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About Melissa

Five years ago, Melissa realised how beneficial the whole process of Mind Clearing had been for her. This inspired her to embark on her journey as a mind clearer to help elevate the lives of the world – one person at a time. It is her goal to direct everyone towards living their ideal life, by tapping in their true potential.

It is Melissa’s belief that if and when one person is transformed, their family and their community will also be impacted, causing a ripple effect throughout the world.

Mind clearing is a sincere exploration of what really is significant in an individual's life. It's as much about admitting our basic fragility as it is about taking quantum leaps.

Through Mind Clearing, Melissa aims to motivate people into undergoing a life of meaning, purpose, achievement, and fulfilment.

Melissa creates and maintains a safe space for your healing in her practice. Sometimes you just need to rid yourself of the old, redundant belief systems, the mental, emotional, and physical blockages, and you see the magic unleash within you. You start thinking afresh and witness that renewed vigor within yourself. And that is exactly where Melissa is going to take you!

She ultimately leads you to make choices that are aligned to your highest purpose and joy.

About Melissa

"The Secret of Getting Ahead is Getting Started"

- Mark Twain - 

What direction do we want to head towards ? 


  • Increase and expansion in your ability to communicate and express

  • Clarity in your current problems

  • Advancing a stuck life, career, business or projects

  • Creation of meaningful relationships

  • Breaking patterns of isolation and fear based relating into authentic conversation

  • Clear guilt and shame that inhibits success and happiness

  • Rectifying typical life issues including money, personal boundaries, business, work, improving family gatherings, spiritual crises, depression, finding a new partner, and leaving groups that aren't serving you

  • Building life stable points: to establish a solid income and relationships

  • Clarification of life purposes, opening doors to greater adventures

  • Increase creative energy, confidence and inspiration

  • Clear fixed attitudes and beliefs such as “I am not good enough” or “no one would love me as I am” that limits personal potential

  • Build a sense of self-responsibility and power of choice. The experience that you are not a victim in life and have a choice to initiate action

  • Live life in freedom and fulfilment accordance to your own choice


My Approach

1. No - Nonsense Approach

While talk therapy and motivational lectures might help us feel better, you may already be aware that they seldom actually resolve the issue. Real results, on the other hand, only happen when you genuinely embrace and act on the harsh reality. This is tough for us to do on our own. But you're at the right place, because it doesn't have to be that way any more, thanks to my mind clearing!


Mind clearing is a self-inquiry process that helps us overcome obstacles that prevent us from achieving success and fulfilment in life. It aids in the clearing of important parts of your life that become tangled and perplexed, clouding judgement and impairing your capacity to make judgments.

2. Lasting Results By Resolving Inner Conflicts

Yep, seminars, motivational lectures, and coaching may all help us achieve our goals. However, you may discover that the effects are only transient, maybe lasting up to merely 6 months. This is because we can only get so far by depending on our willpower and positive sensations. You must dig deeper into your mind to overcome the limiting thought that is still holding you back in order to lock in the transformation and outcomes.

3. Over 40 Years of Proven Techniques

Mind clearing employs tried-and-true procedures that have been studied and tested for more than four decades. It is conducted in a one-on-one situation, similar to coaching and counselling, whether in person or online.


Through the years, clearing has proven to be effective in assisting individuals in leading better lives. While it is less well-known than counselling and coaching, it offers customers with equal, if not greater, results.

My Approach
You May Experience
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